Nothing is better than a week at the lake with the Hale clan. We had one final hoorah for my bro Benny before he takes off on Tuesday to servir Dios in the beauty and danger that is Rio de Janiero, Brazil. We packed a full Hale Family trip into a few days and enjoyed sun, ski, play, ride and the occasional air-soft gun war and bean bomb.
Here are a few highlights from the awesomeness:
My one true love (besides Ben, I guess). Skiing.

Ben shreds as well (old school style)

Keto's life jacket is starting to look a little on the small side, in my opinion
enjoying one of the many meals. For some reason, food always tastes better down there
Shannon, Benny and myself on a sunset ski run
my still super hip padres
The stand up. The boys did time trial races on this thing. One word: hilarious.
During our triathalon event. This included three events, a race on the stand up jet ski, two laps around a rock in the channel on the big wave runner (or as Ben likes to call it "the wet bike") and then a final lap on the kayak. The transitions from each event were the best. nothing like watching my bro Cam leap from a jet ski going full speed into a tiny kayak wearing euro swimming trunks.
This was of course my Ben's idea: Air-soft wars. They split up into two teams and played capture the flag with air-soft guns. They look a little bit like terrorists to me...
I thought about playing and then realized I was smart. Getting shot with an air-soft gun point blank doesn't exactly sound like my idea of fun... They sure had a blast though.
They have no idea what is about to come there way (see next pic below for more details)
My Dad (the large child) shooting bottle rockets at them while they play. He is using a table as cover and an aluminum foil tube to shoot bottle rockets directly into their game. I'm still laughing...
Our whole relationship started right here
with my bros headed to dangling rope (and liddy)
"El Capitan"
My two favorite Bens: Hale and Curtis
I saved the best for last ladies: Cameron, with his euro mud flap haircut, his euro shorts, thinking he is the hottest thing alive. I have to love him for his creativity...
And so ends another successful trip to Lake Powell, brought to you by Deb an Eric. There is no doubt that my family rocks. If you question such a claim, return to the pics above. No one does it like the Hales do. This will always be my favorite place on earth.