Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Photo update

Here is a little photo update for those of you just DYING to see the latest of B & D... and by dying, I mean if you are bored at work and have already reached your facebook stalking quota for the day and have nothing left to do but actually work OR check out the latest post on the blog of yours truly.  Here is a plethora of pics from the past couple months:

Just in case you missed our halloween costumes...
we went as each other.  It didn't turn out so well (obviously).  You can imagine in your own minds what you think we look like.  I'm not writing it here.

The fabulous crew (sans the moustaches)
At T foxes birthday/turned moustache party, thanks to Kim's fabulous "moustache kit" bday gift...

Miaken's bday extravaganza and all of the madness that came with it:  Hiking Bald mountain, random indoor helmet wearing, excess amounts of food (and apparently nose picking) and way too much laughing.  My favorite photo is the fake laugh pose with our sparkling cider.  My friend Gentry has the best fake laugh face ever!  Kim comes in a close second.


cath said...

I'm really glad you normally dress as yourselves.

The Travelogue said...

I actually love the Halloween idea. Extra points to Ben for being secure enough to wear a pink shirt and a scarf. Well done!

Jane Durham said...

what the? how did I miss that you started posting again? lovin it. the coolest people I know. I'm freaking out that Ben almost died jumping across some gorge. I know there are hundreds of these incidents that I don't know about. luckily or I would have regular heart attacks. p.s. I just bought gas at 1.33/gallon. woot woot.

Britters and Parx said...

Finally, PICTURES!!! You look happy! I hope all is well!! love ya!

Kimma Frost said...

Dana, why didn't you ever meet up with Halloween night!? This is too funny hahahaha!

Tyler and Dru said...

okay, this is officially becoming ridiculous. i miss you!! weren't we supposed to go to lunch a while back. oops. so i LOVE your halloween costumes. love love love them. hysterical. i think we may have to steal that next year. merry christmas. let's please hang out soon!