I normally hate this stuff, but since I never update my blog, at least now you will have something new to read... however boring and uneventful it may be.
1. Link to person who has tagged you: Annie
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Random things? hmmm...
1. I hate structure. I hate routines, planning, schedules and lists, because they bore me and make me feel like I am part of the Truman Show. I don't like doing the same things every day, I hate 8-5 work schedules, I don't plan ahead for the weekends (very often), I take different driving routes everywhere, I don't really have favorite restaurants or bands (that excludes you, Radiohead) because I get bored so easily I am always looking for something new. I will never be able to run on the treadmill every single day for fear I may die of boredom. I will say that at times I do use a list, but only when there is too much on my plate to remember and if I don't write it down I will forget it and it will float away with all of the other millions of things I have forgotten to do in my lifetime. I prefer spontaneity. I know this method is probably FAR less productive than all of you with set schedules and daily routines out there, but I prefer creativity over productivity... most days.
2. I am tempted to buy a doughnut every day. Never do I pass a grocery store without closing my eyes and envisioning myself heading straight to the bakery, where I pick up a fresh maple bar or a cake doughnut with white frosting and sprinkles. I am obsessed with doughnuts, people. Now, that doesn't mean I eat a doughnut every day, but I think about it, and occasionally either rewarding myself or giving into self-pity, I buy myself a doughnut and savor every bite. If it were up to me, doughnuts would be fat free, contain millions of anti-oxidants and make your skin glow. If I were to write a letter to the doughnut, it would probably go something like this:
"Dearest doughnut:
Thank you for your beautiful round shape and sometimes creme-filled center. Thank you for your variety, for your flaky layers and your fancy icing and confetti hat. I love you doughnut, and yet I despise you for making me want you. Damn you, doughnut. Damn you.
If you doubt such an obsession, go to your nearest Harmons and ask for a maple bar with cake frosting on top. You will doubt no longer...
3. My ideal world would consist of me working 6 months out of the year and traveling the other 6. I would have a small villa in Marbella, Spain as my base camp and I would explore every nook and cranny on the European Continent. I would hike the great wall of China, climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, learn flamenco guitar in Sevilla, buy pottery in Morocco, eat platano frito in Ecuador, take pictures in Tokyo, ride an elephant in Thailand and the list goes on and on. I would take in every moment and always be learning. I would see. Everything.
4. In my next life I want to come back as a Zebra. There is nothing cooler than a black and white striped horse with a mohawk and an attitude. Enough said.
5. I firmly believe that a few caring people can change the world and I fully intend on being one of those people.
6. Even though almost three and a half years have past, I still think about my mission every day. Despite my bad mouth, my irreverent manner and frequent off color jokes, I loved my mission. Call me crazy ( and many of those who have been there will), but I would go back in a heart beat and do it all over again. I learned more about myself, my limits, the world and the billions of people living in it during that short 18 months than I have over most of my life. There is nothing like waking up every morning with one single purpose. And I didn't even mind the structure...
I tag Lynze, Barbara and Tara. Take it away, ladies.